At Ethical Brand Co we are continuously looking for ways to lead the way in eco-friendly practises for the Hair Care industry.
We are so thrilled to announce that after much research, testing and trailing, we are transitioning most of our plastic, refillable, EverEscents and Clever Curl bottles to 100% recycled land waste plastic. Milk bottles, to be exact!
Most EverEscents products are already being manufactured using our new 100% recycled plastic, while the rest of our products continue to transition. It is estimated that the majority of our packaging will be manufactured from 100% recycled plastic from early 2023, which we are super excited about!
Due to the variety of coloured lids (red, blue and green) from the milk bottles which are used to make our packaging you may see a very small (almost unnoticeable) variation in the colour of our white Clever Curl bottles from time to time. We believe this is a small price we are willing to pay in order to do the best we can for our precious environment, and of course will not affect the efficacy or performance of the formula in any way.
Plastic is so firmly embedded in the modern supply chain of beauty products. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of passion, power and time to transition out of this man-made era. We believe that by changing the idea behind single use plastics in hair care, many more salons will become receptive to new ecofriendly initiatives therefore encouraging guests in salons to make conscious choices for themselves and their homes.
As described by the Ellen McArthur Foundation, in order to create a circular economy for plastic we must undertake three main actions:
- Eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items
- Innovate to ensure that the plastics we do need are reusable, recyclable, or compostable
- Circulate all the plastic items we use to keep them in the economy and out of the environment
Now let’s talk about refill, reuse & recycle
This cycle of sustainability is one of the more innovative initiatives to come into the beauty industry in recent years. A new way of utilising, reusing and refilling packaging has been fostered, and continues to gather momentum worldwide.
The Ethical Brand Co team are so passionate about this program, and it is highly encouraged in all aspects of our business. We have established a nationwide range of salon stockists who encourage their guests to follow suit and in exchange will receive a discount off their refilled product.
With the move to 100% recycled packaging for our EverEscents and Clever Curl products you can be sure that they have been created to withstand this cycle and last you a lifetime.
You can find your nearest Clever Curl and EverEscents refill salons by clicking the links below. Simply pop in your suburb and state then click search!
There is no easy way to save our Mother Earth from our man-made lifelong plastics, it takes time and effort. But in order to sustain the longevity of this incredible planet we live on; we must be the change we wish to see.
Our Ethical Brand Co team wish to thank you, our valued customers who inspire and drive us to continue to be the best we can be, lead the way in eco-conscious manufacturing practices, and do all we can to protect our precious Mother Earth.